Thank you Kevin Grisé for giving me this website. Kevin Grisé has now retired, while I (Gerard V) continue on stage :)

About Kevin Grisé

Kevin Grisé began his hypnosis carer in 1975 as a paramedic in the US Navy. He became a successful and well qualified hypntherapist not long after that and practised in the USA for several years.

He also holds a degree in Counselling Psychology and numerous other hypnosis qualifications.

Kevin move to Australia in teh early 1990s and was naturalised as an Australian citizen in 1994.

He quickly became a star of the comedy hypnosis scene in Australia and paved the way for many to follow. He is one of the early pioneers, and regarded as one of the elder statesmen of Australian Comedy Hypnosis.

He has retired now and does not do shows.

In 2024 he passed the matle of his brand “The Hypnotist” on to COmedy Hypnotist Gerard V who is continuing to redefine comedy hypnosis for the modern corporate enviroment with its unique and ever changing challenges.